Posts tagged Parasympathetic nervous system

As the saying goes, “The better your recovery, the better your training”. But when you're dialed-in to your training so much, recovery can sometimes take a back seat.

When you think of recovery, your mind heads to sleep, food, massage, and post-workout shakes. All of these are vital for recovery, but we can build on these factors by taking a look at a branch of our nervous system called “The Parasympathetic Nervous System” (PSNS) or our “Rest and Digest” state.

The opposite of the PSNS is “The Sympathetic Nervous System” (SNS) or our “Fight or Flight” state.

By activating and nourishing the PSNS, we substantially promote recovery. The longer we can remain in our rest and digest state, the faster we recover, repair damage, and build strength.

So, how do we activate, nourish and create a productive balance between the SNS and PSNS?

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